Portuguese Study Abroad Programs
The Portuguese language is a language widespread around the world. Although English language speakers tend to learn a second foreign language has increased day by day, learning Portuguese can make you stand out from the crowds. Portuguese can be learned more quickly than many foreign languages. If you have Spanish or French, you can see how much Portuguese has in common in these languages, from sentence structure to words, and you can speed up your learning process. Italian, French, and Spanish is the first step to learn languages such as Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, etc. Portuguese has reached the 5th most spoken language on online portals. In the future, you should add Portuguese to your CV, which is a different feature. Learning languages abroad also brings with it a great experience. This process is also the fastest way to make new friends. Your classmates and housemates –your local friends in the country - will become your new family in a new city. During the day, you will find the opportunity to learn the language, practice, and get to know the country in your free time.